Mentors usually develop trusting relationships with their mentees and survivors of abuse usually try to disclose their situation with people they trust. Signs of abuse Youth mentors may also see ...
Racism and discrimination is not always confined to overt acts, it can also be institutionalized and systemic. Racial awareness – noting that people look different – occurs between the ages two ...
Making sure kids have a positive mental health is growing as an important developmental goal for kids. Mentoring can help kids avoid or overcome mental illnesses. Mental illness is cased by a ...
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain-based disorder that primarily affects the prefrontal cortex. ADHD diagnosis is the result of a complex assessment process. Today ...
If your mentee has difficulty with reading, writing, math, fine motor skills, language, hearing different sounds or interpreting visual information, they may have a learning disability. Your ...
Is your mentee being cyber bullied? Did they tell you or are they showing signs of distress, perhaps shuddering when they see your smartphone? You can help by listening and providing advice, but ...
Growing up with a single mom with English as his second language, school was a struggle for Charlie. With a busy mother trying to keep the family afloat with limited English, Charlie found ...
When Kadeem told his parents that he wanted to go into law enforcement, they didn’t know much about the field, but nevertheless got him talking to the right people to help him take the right ...